Right to Disconnect Bill 2018 presented by NCP MP Supriya Sule is a step forward to create a work- life balance in the ‘oh I’m busy’ world of today. If passed the bill will allow the employees to disconnect phone calls of the head honcho bosses who believe in running the show after work hours. This leaves the employee not only disgruntled but also leaves no time for family life. Enabling further higher levels of anxiety, work pressure round the clock, higher stress levels leading to an early onset of various forms of diseases like hyper tension, sleep deprivation and diabetes.
The act if passed by the parliament seeks to establish an employees welfare authority
to bestow the right on every employee to disconnect from work-related telephone calls and emails beyond the work hours and on holidays.
The bill also seeks to impose penalty clauses for defaulting companies/ entities by charging them one per cent of the remuneration, etc.
Currently the only country that follows the same is France, which legalized the bill in 2017.
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